“Don’t be afraid to admit you made a mistake and start fresh. My only regret is that I didn’t found my company earlier, so I could start getting better sleep sooner!”
Eric YuanEric Yuan first envisioned Zoom when he was a freshman in college in China and regularly took a 10-hour train ride to visit his girlfriend. He decided to go to the U.S. in the mid-90s because of the Internet, which was the wave of the future. His personal story was what jumpstarted his journey to the U.S. even when his visa was rejected nine times. He founded Zoom Video Communications in 2011. At the IPO, Yuan owned 22% of Zoom, which was valued at just over $9 billion before trading began. Under Yuan’s leadership, Zoom was one of the highest performing tech IPOs of 2019. Eric is a named inventor on 11 issued and 20 pending patents in real-time collaboration. Eric ranked #192 on Bloomberg of the top 500 richest people, but before the year 2020, he was not even on the list; newfound wealth does not excite him but embracing remote work does.
Zoom worked towards providing a seamless cloud video communications solution that makes it easy for customers to use over other platforms. Zoom combined screen sharing, content sharing, annotation, messaging, recording webinars, demos, tutorials group meetings, client meetings, multiple participants, personal meeting ID Integrations, and mobility Zoom Rooms into one collaborative solution.
The Zoom Client is an individual’s primary method for accessing the Zoom cloud. While available for multiple operating systems (macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, Chrome OS) and in a range of context-aware applications (mobile, desktop, Zoom Rooms), its interaction pattern with the Zoom cloud remains the same across all configurations.
The Web Infrastructure is a universally available web application that not only helps host the Client Connection Process but also the zoom.us website accessed by many individuals every day. Also, the web infrastructure application services requests through its extensive API resources that are leveraged by external developers and the various components of the Zoom infrastructure. Zoom’s ease of use, extensive infrastructure, customer-centric approach has benefited its customers and made it the most widely used video communications platform.